Sunday, December 19, 2010

On the seventh day

I got my Christmas presents wrapped and ready to go! I'm excited for the gifts I have for my aunts and uncles (and Lola!). I hope they like it!

Anyways, I was finally able to relax and enjoy the weekend! After a day of running through rain on Saturday trying to finish the last little bits of Christmas shopping, I planned for a picnic today. At first, the wind was so chilly, but then it died down, the sun came out, and I enjoyed some wonderful 70 degree weather. Ahhh... December is Florida! Anyways, I enjoyed a nice active game of disc golf. We started playing it just to be goofy, but we ended up getting hooked! It's super fun and it does get your heart rate going if you run after the frisbees enough. Can't wait for another game! Experiment with your physical activity! Some activities are so fun you don't even realize you've been running around.

Now onto our seventh day of fruits and vegetable items: beets! I don't know of too many people who are a fan of beets or who have even tried a beet, but trust me, they're good! They're so versatile and can be prepared in so many ways.

Tonight, I made a beet salad I learned from one of my dearest friends and coworkers.

There's so many types of beet salad recipes if you google it, using everything from mint leaves to basil leaves, peaches to fennel, goat cheese to feta. I just used what I had in my fridge: basil leavesgrated Pecorino Romano, balsamic glaze, and of course beets!

Beets are another "multivitamin with minerals" vegetable, jam packed with Vitamin A and C, fiber, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, and folate. Beets contain a nutrient called betaine, which is a natural liver detoxifier. A pigment found in beets called betacyanin was found to be a powerful cancer-fighting agent in colon cancer. And my dear friend Hippocrates (the author of our column's quote and the father of medicine) used beet leaves as binding for wounds because they are good for curing wounds! Incredible! Medicine really isn't just found in a pill bottle or a first aid box!

Anyways, t-minus-6 days! I wish I could find a video of the Home Alone scene to this song!

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